What are blue/green deployments in DevOps?

Asked 6 months ago

So I've heard about blue/green deployments in DevOps, but I'm not quite sure what they mean. Can someone please explain what blue/green deployments are and how they fit into the DevOps process?

Filip Dimkovski

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Blue/green deployments are a DevOps deployment strategy that involves running two identical environments, the "blue" and "green" environments, side by side. At any given time, one of them serves live production traffic (the "blue" environment), while the other (the "green" environment) remains inactive. This approach allows for seamless, low-risk updates or rollbacks if needed.

Then, when a new version is ready for deployment, it's first deployed to the "green" environment and is thoroughly tested. Once validated, traffic is switched from "blue" to "green," making the new version live. If any potential issues arise, switching back to the "blue" environment is quick and simple, helping minimize downtime and enhance deployment reliability.

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