Take charge of dependency updates

Give your devs the power—and confidence—to get proactive with dependency updates.

Security risk vs. dev deadlines

There’s a reason devs prioritize developing applications over running maintenance checks— applying updates takes time, especially if an update requires reworking your code.

The complexity of context

Especially in a complex dependency tree, it’s difficult to even know what libraries or packages are out of date. Manually looking for updates is time-consuming and unrewarding work.

Merge anxiety

Updates may not always be compatible with existing code, and without total confidence in merging an update, devs are nervous that an update will break their app.

Giving devs the tools they need to handle code security – by themselves.

Read how Trimble’s devs use Mend.io to fix vulnerabilities in their code repository without security looking over their shoulder.

“We find that developers prefer to have the tools to manage their own security during development. Mend allows them to fix issues in their code repository by clicking a button.”

– Nick Banta, Trimble VP of Global Cybersecurity

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WTW has developed a successful partnership with Mend.io.
Update dependencies automatically with Mend Renovate

Downloaded over 1.3 billion times, Mend Renovate reduces risk, improves code quality, and cuts technical debt while improving time to release by automatically ensuring all dependencies are kept up to date.

Automatically checks for updates

Mend Renovate automatically scans all your repos to check for dependencies – and identifies which dependencies need updating.

Automatically delivers pull requests to the repo

When Mend Renovate finds dependencies that need updating, it automatically raises pull requests for your devs, straight to the repo.

Automatically preps pull requests with context

Mend Renovate goes one step further by ensuring each pull request comes with the right context to help your devs expedite their updates.

Automatically calculates merge confidence

Mend Renovate also provides devs with a merge confidence score for each pull request, so they can quickly submit high confidence updates.

Research Report – ESG Report: Optimizing
Application Security Effectiveness

Additional resources

Dependency Management: A Guide and 3 Tips to Keep You Sane

Learn more about challenges, best practices, and good strategies for dependency management.

Shrinking Security Debt with Dependency Management

Learn how updating dependencies not only improves application quality, it also shrinks the potential attack surface for your apps.

Open-Source Reliability Leaderboard

See the top packages in terms of reliability across three of the most widely used languages – npm, Maven, and PyPi.

The industry standard for automated dependency updates