Continuous code scanning
Identify potential security vulnerabilities and coding errors in your codebase, allowing you to fix them before attackers can exploit them.
SAST’s bad rap
SAST should be more than a compliance checklist item, but both dev and sec teams often face frustrating hurdles that block them from maximizing its benefits. And as we all know, if a tool is hard to use, your team likely won’t use it.
Developer frustration
High false positives. Lack of context. Long learning curves. That’s a recipe for low adoption rates.
Implementation issues
Some SAST tools require devs to build or package code in a specific way. Others take forever to scan–and require manual handholding to run.
Fragmented visibility
Security teams often struggle to get clear visibility due to low adoption rates and integration challenges.
Solve for different needs
Getting the most out of SAST starts with the realization that dev and sec teams have different—but complementary—needs. And to meet those needs, your solutions need to work where they live, and support how they work.
Cut through the noise with solutions that offer prioritized, near real-time results so devs focus on the most important issues—without a wait.
Give your sec team a unified view of application risk across various environments and other security tools.
The solution
Keep source code safe with Mend SAST
Scan code and prioritize fixes 10 times faster than traditional scanners
Discover Mend SAST
Stop playing defense against alerts.
Start building a proactive AppSec program.