Mend Renovate

The industry standard tool for automated dependency updates

Mend Renovate Enterprise reduces risk, improves code quality, and cuts technical debt while improving time to release by automatically ensuring all dependencies are kept up to date.

We help leading enterprises build mature, proactive AppSec programs

Reduce technical debt with scalable automated
dependency management

Delivers pull requests straight to the repo

No need for your devs to spend hours searching for updates, and pulling them, and merging them.

Mend Renovate Enterprise automatically scans all your repos to identify all dependencies, and checks each and every dependency for updates. It then raises pull requests for available updates and fully prepares them for your devs, with crowdsourced test statuses, package adoption data, release notes, and commit histories.

Help devs merge updates with confidence

Confidence that a dependency update won’t cause problems in your application is one of a developer’s biggest concerns to address.

Mend Renovate Enterprise removes this barrier by providing your devs with a calculated merge confidence rating for each pull request – confirming through crowdsourced data that others have upgraded without problems.

Allowing devs to immediately submit high-confidence updates and cut their workload by as much as 97%, while focusing their attention on fixing problematic updates.

Full scale automation

With Mend Renovate Enterprise automatically generating pull requests and merging PRs based on confidence ratings, you streamline and optimize your devs’ entire dependency management process.

Saving developers 20% of their workload, while fixing 90%+ vulnerabilities with security patches before public disclosure.

Update private repos

Aside from open source dependencies, large development teams also need to be sure they’re using the most up-to-date version of their internal software packages.

Mend Renovate Enterprise does this for you too, going beyond open source dependencies to support your private module and dependency lookups, ensuring they’re also up to date.

Mend Renovate Enterprise data sheet

With Mend Renovate Enterprise, you get –

Job scheduler


Full scale automation

Merge confidence ratings

Merge confidence workflows

Repo integrations

Stop playing defense against alerts.
Start building a proactive AppSec program.

Additional resources

Dependency Management: A Guide and 3 Tips to Keep You Sane

Learn more about challenges, best practices, and good strategies for dependency management.

Shrinking Security Debt with Dependency Management

Learn how updating dependencies not only improves application quality, it also shrinks the potential attack surface for your apps.

Open-Source Reliability Leaderboard

See the top packages in terms of reliability across three of the most widely used languages – npm, Maven, and PyPi.