Mend Renovate Products

Mend Renovate products help developers automate dependency updates by detecting newer package versions and providing updates directly to the application code.

Choose the best way to Renovate your dependencies

Mend Renovate CLI Mend Renovate Community Mend Renovate Enterprise
Open source project Learn more Learn more
Deployment type










Creates PRs for dependency updates
Merge confidence ratings
Automatically schedules Renovate jobs
Responds to repo activity
APIs (sync,run/list jobs)

Web UI

Scales to enterprise demand
Merge confidence workflows
Reporting APIs
  • GitHub Cloud
  • GitHub Enterprise Server
  • Bitbucket Cloud
  • Bitbucket Data Center
  • Cloud
  • GitLab Server
  • Azure DevOps
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • Gitea and Forgejo
  • Gerrit /experimental
  • Cloud
  • Cloud
  • Cloud
  • GitHub Enterprise Server
  • Bitbucket Data Center
  • Cloud
  • GitLab Server
  • Cloud
  • GitHub Enterprise Server
  • Bitbucket Data Center
  • Cloud
  • GitLab Server

Benefits of Mend Renovate products

Pull requests for dependency updates

Creates pull requests (PRs) and issues directly in the repository where updates are scanned. PRs include detailed information about updates, including age, adoption, passing rates, and complete change logs.

Automatic job scheduling and webhooks

Scheduling module automatically schedules and scans repositories at configurable intervals. Real-time webhook handling includes a listener to detect repository events and immediately trigger Mend Renovate jobs.

Merge Confidence workflows

Allows developers to group, filter, and even merge high-confidence dependency updates based on the confidence of an error-free merge.

Integrates with your repos

Mend Renovate integrates directly into your repositories to support your developers without overwhelming them.

Frequently asked questions

What is Mend Renovate?

Mend Renovate is a family of products that helps developers keep their dependencies up-to-date. It automates the process of finding new versions, creating pull requests (PRs), and reviewing changes, saving developers valuable time and effort.

How does Mend Renovate work?

Mend Renovate scans files to find open source dependencies and checks for available updates. It further automatically generates pull requests so developers can easily merge the updates. All of Mend Renovate is configurable to follow update policies and schedules.

What types of dependencies does Mend Renovate support?

Mend Renovate supports a wide range of dependency types, including npm packages, Maven artifacts, NuGet packages, and more.

What is the difference between Mend Renovate CLI, Mend Renovate Community, and Mend Renovate Enterprise?

Mend Renovate CLI is a free, open source, community-driven version with basic dependency management features. It’s ideal for individual developers and small teams attempting to keep a few code repositories up-to-date.

Mend Renovate Community
is also free, but adds significant quality of life and ease of use features such as job scheduling and API access.

Mend Renovate Enterprise
is an enterprise-grade solution that offers additional features such as advanced security checks, detailed insight into the effort needed to implement specific updates, granular control, and enterprise-level support. It’s perfect for larger teams and organizations with complex dependency management needs.

How do I get started with Mend Renovate?

We offer a variety of reports that will help you monitor all of your open source activity such as an inventory report, due diligence report, high severity bugs report, vulnerability report and many more.

Can I still use your AppSec platform if my environment is not connected to the internet?

Getting started with Mend Renovate is easy! First, check which products support your repository. If several products support your repo, then decide if you wish to deploy in an on-premises or cloud environment and find the matching product.

  • Mend Renovate CLI: Visit the Mend Renovate GitHub repository for installation instructions and documentation
  • Mend Renovate Community BitBucket app: Check BitBucket marketplace under
  • Mend Renovate Community GitHub app: Check GitHub marketplace under
  • Mend Renovate Enterprise: Contact us to schedule a demo

How can I configure Mend Renovate for my project?

Configure Mend Renovate by placing a renovate.json file in the root of your repository. This file defines the operational rules and settings, such as which dependencies need updating, scheduling, and grouping of updates.

Does Mend Renovate support monorepos?

Mend Renovate provides strong support for monorepos. It detects and updates dependencies across multiple projects within a monorepo setup.

How does Mend Renovate handle custom package registries?

You can configure the registry URLs and authentication details in the renovate.json configuration file to support custom package registries.

What happens if an update breaks my build?

You can configure Mend Renovate to revert the update automatically. Mend Renovate also provides detailed information in the PR to help identify and fix the issue.

Does Mend Renovate integrate with CI/CD pipelines?

Yes. Each PR from Mend Renovate triggers the CI/CD workflow, which ensures that updates are tested and verified before merging.

How often does Mend Renovate check for updates?

Mend Renovate can be set to check for updates in any way that fits your product’s needs, whether it is daily, weekly, or on a custom schedule. You can configure the frequency of checks in the renovate.json file.

What kind of notifications does Mend Renovate provide?

Renovate can provide notifications through various channels, including email and chat integrations (e.g., Slack). It keeps you informed about new PRs, update statuses, and any issues encountered.

What training is available for Mend Renovate?

There are several resources available to help you learn more about Mend Renovate, including the documentation section for each product, as well as video tutorials.

Additional resources

Dependency Management: Protecting Your Code

Learn how to protect your application’s code with dependency management, and why automation is critical for effective dependency updates.

Read more

Shrinking Security Debt with Dependency Management

Learn how to shrink security debt by managing dependencies. Improve app quality and reduce attack surface now!

Read more

Open-Source Reliability Leaderboard

Discover the top open-source packages for reliability in npm, Maven, and PyPi with’s Leaderboard.

Read more