Mend AppSec Platform:

Mend Container

Comprehensive cloud-native security coverage

Mend Container offers a full-stack container security scanning solution to give you fully visibility of risks from development to deployment with image vulnerability scanning, reachability analysis, secrets scanning, and K8s integration.

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Protect containerized applications with reachability prioritization

Container reachability analysis

Mend Container accurately predicts what vulnerable files and methods will be called at runtime, without the need to install runtime agents.

And by reducing false positives in static image scans, your team can prioritize and remediate the highest-risk vulnerabilities.

Development to deployment

Mend Container secures cloud-native applications throughout the entire development lifecycle.

Find vulnerabilities in container images early in development, identify threats during runtime, and pinpoint the root location for rapid remediation.

Secrets detection

Mend Container’s secrets detection identifies exposed or mismanaged credentials, keys, and certificates, enabling rapid mitigation and reducing application risk.

The result: You can prevent malicious actors from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Kubernetes cluster scanning

Mend Container simplifies the identification and labeling of active container images running within your Kubernetes clusters.

You can effortlessly scan all your deployed containers so you can secure the versions that matter most to your operations.

Container security, simplified.

Enhance your development experience with simplified container security. Integrate our solution with your preferred registry—Amazon ECR, Azure Container Registry (ACR), Docker Hub, or JFrog Artifactory Cloud—and streamline security without compromising workflows.

Explore Mend Container, part of the Mend AppSec Platform

Mend Container is a key component of the Mend AppSec Platform’s holistic and proactive approach to application security.

Learn more about how we can help

Maintain continuous security throughout the container lifecycle.

Find exploitable threats before pushing them to production.

Scale across thousands of repos fast, without sacrificing security.


“One of our most indicative KPIs is the amount of time for us to remediate vulnerabilities and also the amount of time developers spend fixing vulnerabilities in our code base, which has reduced significantly. We’re talking about at least 80% reduction in time.”

Andrei Ungureanu, Security Architect
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Fast, secure, compliant

“When the product you sell is an application you develop, your teams need to be fast, secure and compliant. These three factors often work in opposite directions. Mend provides the opportunity to align these often competing factors, providing Vonage with an advantage in a very competitive marketplace.”

Chris Wallace, Senior Security Architect
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Rapid results

“The biggest value we get out of Mend is the fast feedback loop, which enables our developers to respond rapidly to any vulnerability or license issues. When a vulnerability or a license is disregarded or blocked, and there is a policy violation, they get the feedback directly.”

Markus Leutner, DevOps Engineer for Cloud Solutions
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Recent resources

Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Learn about Kubernetes Security Best Practices, a crucial aspect of managing containerized workflows at scale.

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What Makes Containers Vulnerable?

Learn about the vulnerabilities that containers bring to your applications and how to address them to keep attackers at bay.

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Docker Container Security: Challenges and Best Practices

Learn about the challenges and best practices of securing Docker containers, and why securing containers is vital for application security.

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