Mend AppSec Platform:


Secure proprietary code 10x faster

Mend SAST gives you and your developers all the tools you need to help you stay on top of critical vulnerabilities in your source code.

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Proactively remediate critical source-code vulnerabilities

Reduced alert noise

Reduce alert fatigue and improve developer efficiency by allowing development teams to focus on vulnerabilities specific to their recent code changes.

Mend SAST delivers differential results right in the developers own repository, in near real time, with actionable remediation guidance and education.

Data flow consolidation

Mend SAST’s innovative data flow consolidation eliminates redundant alerts and streamlines remediation efforts.

By combining all data flows that reach the same sink into a single finding, developers are able to quickly address multiple code flaws at once, saving valuable development time.

Hybrid cloud solution

Achieve results with the speed and flexibility of cloud deployment without compromising the privacy of your source code.

Mend SAST’s hybrid cloud solution performs on-premises scanning and delivers cloud-powered analysis without your source code ever leaving your premises.

Fast scan results

Prevent development bottlenecks that slow your developers down with results in near-real time.

Mend SAST provides complete scans 10 times faster than traditional scanners, giving developers immediate feedback directly in their repositories. 

See Mend SAST in action

Best-in-class integrations to make “shift left” a way of life

Mend SAST integrates with IDEs, repositories, pipeline and other dev tools already used in your org. It also supports more than a dozen programming languages. Allowing you to manage risk and vulnerabilities, without overwhelming your devs or weighing down their tech stack.

Explore Mend SAST, part of the Mend AppSec Platform

Mend SAST is a key component of the Mend AppSec Platform’s holistic and proactive approach to application security.

Learn more about how we can help

Continuously detect and prevent code flaws before deployment.

Receive on-demand differential results without context switching.

Scale across thousands of repos without sacrificing security.


“One of our most indicative KPIs is the amount of time for us to remediate vulnerabilities and also the amount of time developers spend fixing vulnerabilities in our code base, which has reduced significantly. We’re talking about at least 80% reduction in time.”

Andrei Ungureanu, Security Architect
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Fast, secure, compliant

“When the product you sell is an application you develop, your teams need to be fast, secure and compliant. These three factors often work in opposite directions. Mend provides the opportunity to align these often competing factors, providing Vonage with an advantage in a very competitive marketplace.”

Chris Wallace, Senior Security Architect
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Rapid results

“The biggest value we get out of Mend is the fast feedback loop, which enables our developers to respond rapidly to any vulnerability or license issues. When a vulnerability or a license is disregarded or blocked, and there is a policy violation, they get the feedback directly.”

Markus Leutner, DevOps Engineer for Cloud Solutions
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Recent resources

SAST – All About Static Application Security Testing

Learn about Static Application Security Testing (SAST). Understand the importance, benefits, & how to choose the right SAST tool for your org.

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How To Address SAST False Positives In Application Security Testing

Address SAST false positives in your application security testing. Explore causes, preventive measures, and the benefits of using Mend SAST.

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Quality > Quantity: How to Get the Most Out of SAST

Learn how to make the most out of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) without overwhelming developers.

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Stop playing defense against alerts.

Start building a proactive AppSec program.