What are some common practices for error handling in asynchronous Node.js applications?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm often encountering unhandled errors in my asynchronous Node.js applications. What are common practices for handling these?

Kadin Howell

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

In asynchronous Node.js applications, use `try-catch` blocks with `async-await` to handle errors. For callback-based async code, ensure error-first callbacks are properly handled. Use the `catch()` method for promises to catch errors, and consider using a central error handling middleware in Express.js applications for consistent error responses.

Remember to log errors for debugging and monitoring purposes, and avoid suppressing errors silently - instead, ensure they are either handled or logged. For uncaught exceptions, on the other hand, use process-level error handlers like `process.on('uncaughtException', handler)`.

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