How can I implement end-to-end encryption in a Python-based chat application to ensure the privacy and security of user messages?

Asked 4 months ago

For a Python-based chat application I'm developing, I need to implement end-to-end encryption to secure user messages. What's the best approach?

Sergio Calhoun

Thursday, December 07, 2023

To implement robust end-to-end encryption in your Python chat application, start by integrating a reliable cryptographic library, such as PyCryptodome. This library allows you to implement advanced encryption standards with ease. Begin by having each user generate their own public/private key pair, a fundamental aspect of asymmetric encryption.

As such, when a user sends a message, it should be encrypted with the recipient's public key, which ensures that only the recipient can decrypt the message using their private key. This method guarantees that the message remains secure and unreadable to anyone intercepting the data during transmission or accessing it on the server.

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