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Date: June 3, 2021


Prototype pollution vulnerability in 'nestie' versions 0.0.0 through 1.0.0 allows attacker to cause a denial of service and may lead to remote code execution.


The NPM module `nestie` can be abused by Prototype Pollution vulnerability since the function `nestie()` does not check for the type of object before assigning value to the property. Due to this flaw an attacker could create a non-existent property or able to manipulate the property which leads to Denial of Service or potentially Remote code execution.

PoC Details

The `nestie()` function accepts `input, glue` as argument. Due to the absence of validation on the values passed into the `input` argument, an attacker can supply a malicious value by adjusting the value to include the `__proto__` property. Since there is no validation before assigning the property here to check whether the assigned argument is the Object's own property or not, the property `polluted` will be directly be assigned to the new object thereby polluting the Object prototype. Later in the code, if there is a check to validate `polluted` the valued would be substituted as "Yes! Its Polluted" as it had been polluted.

PoC Code

var { nestie } = require("nestie")

console.log("Before : " + {}.polluted);

nestie({"__proto__.polluted": "Yes! Its Polluted"})

console.log("After : " + {}.polluted);

Affected Environments

0.0.0 to 1.0.0


Upgrade to version 1.0.1

Language: JS

Good to know:


Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources


Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')


Upgrade Version

Upgrade to version nestie - 1.0.1

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Base Score:
Attack Vector (AV): Network
Attack Complexity (AC): Low
Privileges Required (PR): None
User Interaction (UI): None
Scope (S): Unchanged
Confidentiality (C): High
Integrity (I): High
Availability (A): High
Base Score:
Access Vector (AV): Network
Access Complexity (AC): Low
Authentication (AU): None
Confidentiality (C): Partial
Integrity (I): Partial
Availability (A): Partial
Additional information: