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Date: June 2, 2021

An out-of-bounds write vulnerability was found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device (vhost-user-gpu) of QEMU in versions up to and including 6.0. The flaw occurs while processing the 'VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_GET_CAPSET' command from the guest. It could allow a privileged guest user to crash the QEMU process on the host, resulting in a denial of service condition, or potential code execution with the privileges of the QEMU process.

Language: C

Severity Score

Severity Score

Weakness Type (CWE)

Out-of-bounds Write


CVSS v3.1

Base Score:
Attack Vector (AV): LOCAL
Attack Complexity (AC): LOW
Privileges Required (PR): HIGH
User Interaction (UI): NONE
Scope (S): CHANGED
Confidentiality (C): HIGH
Integrity (I): HIGH
Availability (A): HIGH


Base Score:
Access Vector (AV): LOCAL
Access Complexity (AC): LOW
Authentication (AU): NONE
Confidentiality (C): PARTIAL
Integrity (I): PARTIAL
Availability (A): PARTIAL
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