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Date: April 18, 2023

Archery is an open source SQL audit platform. The Archery project contains multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities, that may allow an attacker to query the connected databases. Affected versions are subject to SQL injection in the `sql/instance.py` endpoint's `describe` method. In several cases, user input coming from the `tb_name` parameter value, the `db_name` parameter value or the `schema_name` value in the `sql/instance.py` `describe` endpoint is passed to the `describe_table` methods in given SQL engine implementations, which concatenate user input unsafely into a SQL query and afterwards pass it to the `query` method of each database engine for execution. Please take into account that in some cases all three parameter values are concatenated, in other only one or two of them. The affected methods are: `describe_table` in `sql/engines/clickhouse.py`which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` method in `sql/engines/clickhouse.py`, `describe_table` in `sql/engines/mssql.py` which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` methods in `sql/engines/mssql.py`, `describe_table` in `sql/engines/mysql.py`which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` method in `sql/engines/mysql.py`, `describe_table` in `sql/engines/oracle.py` which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` methods in `sql/engines/oracle.py`, `describe_table` in `sql/engines/pgsql.py`which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` methods in `sql/engines/pgsql.py`, `describe_table` in `sql/engines/phoenix.py` which concatenates input which is passed to execution on the database in the `query` method in `sql/engines/phoenix.py`. Each of these issues may be mitigated by escaping user input or by using prepared statements when executing SQL queries. This issue is also indexed as `GHSL-2022-101`.

Language: Python

Severity Score

Severity Score

Weakness Type (CWE)

SQL Injection


CVSS v3.1

Base Score:
Attack Vector (AV): NETWORK
Attack Complexity (AC): LOW
Privileges Required (PR): LOW
User Interaction (UI): NONE
Confidentiality (C): HIGH
Integrity (I): NONE
Availability (A): NONE

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