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Date: September 4, 2023

LibreY is a fork of LibreX, a framework-less and javascript-free privacy respecting meta search engine. LibreY is subject to a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in the `image_proxy.php` file of LibreY before commit 8f9b9803f231e2954e5b49987a532d28fe50a627. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to use the server as a proxy to send HTTP GET requests to arbitrary targets and retrieve information in the internal network or conduct Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks via the `url` parameter. Remote attackers can use the server as a proxy to send HTTP GET requests and retrieve information in the internal network. Remote attackers can also request the server to download large files or chain requests among multiple instances to reduce the performance of the server or even deny access from legitimate users. This issue has been addressed in https://github.com/Ahwxorg/LibreY/pull/31. LibreY hosters are advised to use the latest commit. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

Language: PHP

Severity Score

Severity Score

Weakness Type (CWE)

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)


CVSS v3.1

Base Score:
Attack Vector (AV): NETWORK
Attack Complexity (AC): LOW
Privileges Required (PR): NONE
User Interaction (UI): NONE
Confidentiality (C): HIGH
Integrity (I): NONE
Availability (A): HIGH

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