How can I troubleshoot "Permission Denied" error while trying to install a package globally using npm?

Asked 6 months ago

I've encountered a "Permission Denied" error while attempting to install an npm package globally. What troubleshooting steps should I follow to resolve this issue and install the package?

Jules Rutledge

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Before we dive into the potential solutions, one thing to keep in mind is to avoid using `sudo` with `npm` to prevent potential permission issues. What you should do instead is to change npm's default directory to a user-specific directory with a command such as `npm config set prefix ~/.npm-global`. Then, ensure this directory is in your `PATH`, but remember to log out and restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.

If you still face issues, check for directory permissions by running the command `npm ls -g --depth=0`. You can also use nvm to manage npm without requiring elevated permissions.

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