How to create a Dockerfile from Docker container?

Asked 5 months ago

I have a Docker container running my application, and I want to create a Dockerfile from it. How can I go about generating a Dockerfile based on an existing container?

Memphis Hancock

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

While it's not possible to directly convert a running Docker container into a Dockerfile, you can manually create a Dockerfile by inspecting the container's inner filesystem and configurations. Do the steps below:

  1. Start by running the following command:
    `docker export` 
    This will allow you to export the container's filesystem as a tarball (an archive file).
  2. Then, you can examine its contents to identify the installed packages, dependencies, and configurations.
  3. Once you've done this, use the information to write a Dockerfile that replicates the container's setup.

Keep in mind that creating a Dockerfile from a container is a manual process that can be somewhat complicated, so it's recommended to still maintain your Dockerfiles alongside your application from the start.

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