How can I implement blue/green deployments for Dockerized Python applications?

Asked 6 months ago

I'm working on a Dockerized Python application and want to implement a blue/green deployment strategy. How can I set up blue/green deployments for my Dockerized Python app? Any recommendations would be helpful.

Ellis Callahan

Thursday, November 09, 2023

As you can probably already guess, implementing blue/green deployments for Dockerized Python applications involves creating two sets of Docker containers - one for the existing ("blue") version and one for the new ("green") version. To manage them, use a reverse proxy tool like Nginx or Traefik to manage traffic routing between the "blue" and "green" containers.

Then, start by routing traffic to the "blue" containers, and deploy the new versions and updates in the "green" containers. Once the "green" container has been verified as stable, switch the traffic to the "green" one. Of course, remember to make use of orchestration tools like Docker Compose or Kubernetes to automate container management and traffic routing.

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