What are the steps to implement a centralized logging and monitoring system for a distributed microservices architecture in Python?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm working with a distributed microservices architecture in Python and want to set up a centralized logging and monitoring system. What are the key steps for this?

Cliff Dawson

Thursday, December 07, 2023

To implement centralized logging and monitoring in a distributed Python microservices architecture, start by choosing a logging framework like Python's logging module for each service. Direct these logs to a centralized logging system like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Graylog. For monitoring, on the other hand, you can use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to collect and visualize metrics. Finally, remember to use your code to emit relevant metrics and logs, and configure your logging and monitoring tools to aggregate and display this data in a useful and actionable format.

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