How can I implement a rolling deployment strategy for a Dockerized Python application to gradually update instances and maintain application availability?

Asked 8 months ago

I'm seeking some guidance on implementing a rolling deployment strategy for my Dockerized Python application to ensure gradual updates and uninterrupted application availability. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Memphis Hancock

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Implementing a rolling deployment strategy involves updating instances of your Dockerized Python application one at a time, ensuring continuous availability. To achieve this, you can employ container orchestration tools like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm. So, do the steps below:

  1. You should first create duplicate instances of your app with the updated code.
  2. Then, gradually route traffic to the new instances while monitoring their health and performance.
  3. Implement a rollback mechanism to revert to previous versions in case issues arise.
  4. Last but not least, remember to use load balancers to distribute traffic intelligently between new and old instances.

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