How can I integrate TypeScript in a React.js project for better development experience and code quality?

Asked 7 months ago

I want to integrate TypeScript into my React.js project for a better development experience and code quality. How should I go about it?

Guillermo Dudley

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

To integrate TypeScript in a React.js project, start by adding TypeScript to your project dependencies. Then, do the steps below:

  1. Update your build configuration to compile TypeScript files.
  2. Convert your `.js` files to `.tsx` and begin adding types to your components and state.
  3. Leverage TypeScript’s strong typing to define props and state structures, enhancing code readability and reducing bugs.
  4. Utilize the TypeScript compiler for type-checking during development.

Initially, you may set TypeScript to a less strict mode and gradually enforce stricter rules as you refactor your code.

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