How can I organize my Python project structure to prevent circular dependencies between different components or modules?

Asked 9 months ago

Circular dependencies are becoming an issue in my Python project. What specific project structure and coding practices should I adopt to proactively prevent circular dependencies and ensure a clean and maintainable codebase?

Filip Dimkovski

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Circular dependencies can be difficult to work around. To avoid them, I'd suggest you adopt a modular and organized structure. Use clear interfaces and well-defined boundaries to define how different components interact. Also, implement dependency injections, so components don't directly import one another, but instead receive dependencies as parameters. Additionally, maintain consistent naming conventions, such as PEP 8 guidelines, to make your project more predictable. Consider employing code linters and static analyzers to catch circular dependencies early, write unit tests and integration tests to verify the correctness of your code, and be ready to refactor your codebase as needed to maintain a clean and dependency-free structure.

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