How can I optimize the performance of a Node.js application using clustering and load balancing techniques?

Asked 4 months ago

My Node.js application is growing, and with increased traffic, I'm noticing performance bottlenecks. I've read about clustering and load balancing as solutions, but I need guidance on implementing these techniques effectively.

Filip Dimkovski

Friday, December 15, 2023

Clustering in Node.js allows you to create multiple child processes (workers) to handle more load. Using the `cluster` module to fork your main Node.js process, helps in utilizing all CPU cores, turning your single-threaded Node.js app into a multi-threaded powerhouse.

For load balancing, on the other hand, you can think of it as efficiently managing the queue of requests. Implement a reverse proxy like NGINX, which directs incoming traffic across your clustered Node.js instances. This ensures an even distribution of load, preventing any single instance from becoming a bottleneck. Of course, you should regularly monitor performance to fine-tune the balance and ensure your app serves every request swiftly and efficiently.

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