What strategies can I use to reduce the response time of a RESTful API built with Flask in Python?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm building a RESTful API with Flask in Python, but I'm experiencing slower than desired response times. What strategies can I implement to optimize the performance and reduce latency?

Samuel Hobbs

Monday, November 20, 2023

To reduce response times in a Flask-based RESTful API, you can consider focusing on several optimization strategies. You can start by ensuring your database queries are efficient and well-indexed. Also, consider using a caching solution like Redis to store and quickly retrieve frequently accessed data. Implementing asynchronous request handling can also be beneficial, allowing the server to handle multiple requests simultaneously.

Another strategy is to streamline your data processing logic and reduce the size of the data being transferred. Tools like Flask's `flask-compress` can help compress API responses, reducing load times significantly.

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