How can I use the npm package "cross-env" to manage environment variables in a Node.js project?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm working on a Node.js project and heard about the npm package "cross-env" for managing environment variables. Can some explain how it works, and how can I effectively use it in my project?

Samuel Hobbs

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Simply put, "cross-env" is a valuable npm package for managing environment variables in a Node.js project. It ensures (more or less) consistent behavior across different platforms by setting environment variables regardless of the operating system. To use it, install "cross-env" as a development dependency, then update your npm scripts in your package.json file.

The command below should do it:

npm i cross-env

Instead of directly setting environment variables, prefix your command with "cross-env" followed by the variable assignments. This ensures reliable and cross-platform handling of environment variables, simplifying development and deployment across various environments.

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