How to properly manage environment variables in an app hosted on AWS or Azure?

Asked 6 months ago

I'm hosting my application on AWS, and I'm concerned about managing environment variables securely. What's the best way to handle and store environment variables for my app? I suppose the same practices would apply to Azure as well.

Samuel Hobbs

Thursday, November 09, 2023

When it comes to securely managing environment-specific configuration settings for your Python application, both AWS and Azure offer robust solutions. AWS provides the AWS Secrets Manager, a service designed explicitly for storing and managing sensitive information, such as API keys, database passwords, and other critical configuration details.

Similarly, Azure offers a service called The Azure Key Vault, allowing you to securely authenticate and manage your application's secrets, keys, and certificates. Nevertheless, both of these cloud-native solutions enhance the security of your application and streamline the process of managing and updating sensitive data across different environments.

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