How can I use the conda package manager to manage Python dependencies?

Asked 6 months ago

I'd like to learn how to use the conda package manager for Python dependencies in my projects. Can someone provide me with some help on how to set up and use conda effectively for managing Python packages and environments? Thank you in advance.

Sergio Calhoun

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Start by installing Anaconda or Miniconda, which come bundled with the conda package, which you can find at the website. Then, create a conda environment with the command `conda create --name myenv` and activate it with `conda activate myenv`.

You can then install Python packages into this environment using the command `conda install`. When working with it, keep in mind that conda also supports non-Python dependencies as libraries.

So, to maintain your list of dependencies, consider exporting them to a YAML file with the command `conda env export > environment.yml` and recreate it elsewhere.

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