How can I set up automated code review and linting for a JavaScript project hosted on GitHub to maintain code quality and consistency?

Asked 5 months ago

For my JavaScript project on GitHub, I want to set up automated code reviews and linting to ensure high code quality and consistency across contributions.

Santino Vargas

Saturday, December 09, 2023

To set up an automated code review process and linting in your JavaScript GitHub project, start by integrating ESLint for enforcing coding standards, as well as Prettier for consistent formatting. Then, do the following steps:

  • Configure ESLint rules in the `.eslintrc` file to align with your coding guidelines and Prettier formatting styles in the `.prettierrc` file.
  • Utilize GitHub Actions to automate running these tools for every push and pull request, ensuring code quality and consistency.
  • Complement this with GitHub's code review tools or third-party services like CodeClimate or SonarCloud for even deeper code quality analysis, further promoting high standards and maintainability in your project.

Doing all of the above will contribute to significantly better code quality as well as consistency.

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