What's the best way to manage node_modules in Docker for my Node.js app?

Asked 5 months ago

So I'm trying to dockerize my Node.js application, but I'm struggling with managing the node_modules folder. It's causing large build times and bloated containers. How can I optimize this?

Ernesto Cabrera

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

When dockerizing a Node.js app, managing the `node_modules` efficiently is crucial. So, do the steps below:

  • Firstly, use a `.dockerignore` file to prevent your local `node_modules ` from being copied into the Docker image.
  • Then, in your Dockerfile, copy your `package.json` and run `npm install` before copying the rest of your application. This leverages Docker's layer caching, reducing build times.
  • Also, consider using multi-stage builds to keep your final image size minimal, only including the necessary dependencies.
  • Lastly, for development, consider mounting `node_modules` as a volume to avoid the need to rebuild the image after each dependency change.

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