How can I create a Dockerfile from an existing Docker container to customize and extend its functionality?

Asked 8 months ago

I have an existing Docker container, and I'd like to customize and extend its functionality. How can I create a Dockerfile from this container to achieve that?

Delmar Reyes

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Do the steps below to create a Dockerfile from an existing Docker container:

  1. Start by running the existing container and gaining access to its file system and configurations.
  2. Within the container, make the necessary customizations or modifications to extend its functionality according to your requirements.
  3. Once you've completed these changes, commit them using the command below:
    `docker commit`
    This will create a new image with the name and tag that you specify.
  4. Now, this newly created image incorporates your customizations and can serve as a base for further containerization or distribution.

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