How can I prevent overuse of my Flask API with rate limiting?

Asked 4 months ago

I've developed a Flask API and I'm concerned about potential overuse or abuse by clients. What's the best way to implement rate limiting to protect my API? Thanks for any answers.

Jules Rutledge

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

To implement rate limiting in your Flask API, you can use the Flask-Limiter extension. It's quite an effective tool for controlling the rate of requests clients can make. So, simply install the Flask-Limiter package with the command below:

pip install Flask-Limiter 

Then, integrate it with your Flask application. You can define rate limits per route or globally using decorators like `@limiter.limit("100 per day")`. Flask-Limiter supports various backends, such as Redis, to track request counts. This setup not only secures your API against abuse but also ensures its availability and responsiveness.

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