What are the steps to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication in a Node.js application to allow users to sign in using their Google or Facebook accounts?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm building a Node.js application and want to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication to enable users to log in with their Google or Facebook accounts. I need a step-by-step guide.

Filip Dimkovski

Saturday, December 09, 2023

If your goal is implementing OAuth 2.0 in a Node.js application for Google or Facebook sign-in, follow these steps:

  • Register your application with Google and/or Facebook to obtain client IDs and client secrets.
  • Use OAuth 2.0 libraries like `passport-google-oauth` and `passport-facebook` in your Node.js application. Remember to set up routes to handle authentication requests and callbacks.
  • Configure the OAuth strategy with your client IDs, secrets, and callback URLs. Also, handle the OAuth callback to receive tokens and user details.
  • Authenticate the user in your application, creating a session or JWT as needed.

This will enable users to authenticate using their Google or Facebook accounts, providing a streamlined login experience.

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