When using yarn, how can I specify a custom version of a package to avoid compatibility issues?

Asked 10 months ago

I've encountered a situation where I need to use a specific version of a package with Yarn to ensure compatibility in my Node.js project. How can I specify a custom version of a package when managing dependencies with Yarn? As I can see in the documentation, this isn't documented explicitly. Any ideas?

Bobby Randolph

Sunday, October 01, 2023

To specify a custom version of a package with Yarn, you can use the following command:

yarn add package-name@custom-version

Of course, remember to replace `package-name` with the name of the package you want to install, and `custom-version` with the desired version or range (e.g., 1.2.3 or ^2.0.0). This helps ensure that the package version aligns with your project's compatibility requirements.

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