How can I automatically generate and update a "requirements.txt" file from a "Pipfile" using pipenv?

Asked 5 months ago

I'm using pipenv to manage my Python project's virtual environment and dependencies. How can I automatically generate and update a "requirements.txt" file from the Pipfile to share with others?

Ernesto Cabrera

Monday, November 06, 2023

Automating the creation and updating of a "requirements.txt" file from a Pipfile is relatively simple. After you've created your virtual environment and installed the dependencies using pipenv, use the following command:

`pipenv lock --requirements > requirements.txt` 

This generates a "requirements.txt" file based on your project's locked dependencies. To keep it updated, regularly run the same command whenever you add, update, or remove dependencies. As such, this "requirements.txt" file can then be shared or used for deployment, ensuring consistent package versions across environments.

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