How can I set up and configure automatic dependency updates for a Python project using GitHub Actions?

Asked 6 months ago

I'd like to automate the process of updating dependencies in my Python project hosted on GitHub. How can I set up and configure automatic dependency updates with GitHub Actions or any other similar tool?

Alphonse Hancock

Monday, November 06, 2023

To automate dependency updates with GitHub Actions, follow the steps below.

  1. First, create a workflow YAML file in your project's `.github/workflows` directory. You can also consider using tools like Dependabot to automatically generate pull requests when updates are available.
  2. Then, configure your GitHub Actions workflow to trigger on pull request events, so it runs whenever a new update is proposed. Remember to include steps for running tests and checks to ensure the updates don't introduce issues.
  3. Once the tests pass, the workflow can automatically merge the pull request, keeping your dependencies up to date and maintaining quality code.

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