How do I use Python's pip to manage project dependencies?

Asked 2 years ago

I'm a bit new to Python and I'm still learning the best practices to manage dependencies. Even though I'm currently working on small projects that aren't difficult to manage, I'd like to know what's the best way to manage project dependencies in Python in the future?

Alan Lang

Saturday, October 08, 2022

"pip" is probably the easiest way to manage project dependencies and packages. First, you have to install it manually, because it doesn't always get automatically installed with python. Check with "pip --version" to see if it's installed. Then, after the installation, you can easily manage dependencies with the commands pip install "package" to add them, or pip uninstall "package" to remove them. You can also set up a project with "pip install -r requirements.txt", where the requirements file is the list of pip arguments you want to execute

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