What practices can be employed to monitor and optimize the memory usage of a Node.js application hosted in a Docker container?

Asked 6 months ago

I'm looking for best practices to monitor and optimize the memory usage of my Node.js application when it's running inside a Docker container. What can I do about this?

Sergio Calhoun

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Consider implementing monitoring tools such as Promethus, Grafana, or the build-in Node.js function "process.memoryUsage()" to collect usage metrics. Then, set memory limits using the Docker Compose or Kubernetes configuration to prevent excessive resource consumption.

Of course, you should regularly review your Node.js code for potential memory leaks, inefficient data structures, or large memory allocations. Lastly, remember to implement health checks within your Docker container to detect and restart instances when memory thresholds are exceeded.

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