What are the best practices for securing a Python web application against common security threats?

Asked 5 months ago

Security is a top priority for my Python web application. I'm aware of the various threats that exist and want to ensure I'm following the best practices to protect my application from common vulnerabilities.

Filip Dimkovski

Friday, December 15, 2023

To protect your Python web applications, you should start with the basics - validate and sanitize all user inputs to protect against SQL injection and XSS attacks. You can make use of frameworks like Django or Flask, which come with built-in protection tools. You should also implement HTTPS to secure data in transit.

Remember to manage your sessions securely - you can think of your session tokens as the keys a hacker might look after, so they should be protected at all costs. Don't forget about securing your server and database as well - regular security audits are essential for identifying and rectifying any chinks in your applications before attackers can exploit them.

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