How can I set up and configure continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) for a Node.js application using Jenkins?

Asked 6 months ago

So I'm developing a Node.js application and want to set up a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. I need guidance on configuring Jenkins for my Node.js app.

Delmar Reyes

Monday, November 20, 2023

To set up CI/CD for a Node.js application in Jenkins, start by installing Jenkins and setting up a Jenkins server. Create a new Jenkins job and configure it to connect to your version control system (like Git). Then, write a Jenkinsfile to define the pipeline stages, including steps for installing dependencies, running tests, and deploying the application. Of course, remember to use Node.js-specific tools and scripts in your pipeline configuration, and integrate your repository with Jenkins to trigger the pipeline on code commits or pull requests.

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