How to handle session management in a stateless microservices architecture for a Python application?

Asked 7 months ago

I'm building a Python application using a microservices architecture and I'm struggling with session management. Since each service is stateless, how can I efficiently manage user sessions without compromising the stateless nature of the architecture?

Filip Dimkovski

Sunday, December 17, 2023

In a stateless microservices environment, the ideal approach is to use token-based authentication, like JSON Web Tokens (JWT). These tokens are stateless, secure, and can be easily shared across different services. So, do the following:

  • When a user logs in, generate a JWT containing user identity and claims, and then send it to the client.
  • For subsequent requests, the client includes this token, allowing services to authenticate and authorize the user without maintaining session state.

Also, it's important to implement token security measures such as HTTPS, setting a short expiration time, and using a strong signing key.

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