How can I securely store and manage environment variables for different deployment stages in Python?

Asked 10 months ago

I'm working on a Python project that has multiple deployment stages, including development, testing, and production. So, I need to securely store and manage environment variables like database credentials and API keys for each stage. What's the best way to handle this without exposing sensitive information in my codebase or version control?

Boyd Levy

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

To securely store and manage environment variables for different deployment stages, I'd recommend using a `.env` file for each stage (e.g., ``, ``) to contain stage-specific variables. Of course, ensure these files are added to your `.gitignore` to prevent them from being tracked in version control. You definitely wouldn't want the environment variables to end up in the repository.

You can then load these variables in your code using the `dotenv` library, allowing you to access sensitive information without exposing it in your codebase. Additionally, consider using a secure secrets management system, or your hosting platform's environment variable features to enhance security.

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