Safe Open Source Practices Now Affordable for Companies of All Sizes
WhiteSource announces the release and general availability of its new risk assessment panel which offers R&D executives an easy, simple and affordable way to learn of the risks introduced by the open source components in their software
Open source component management is a growing challenge for R&D organizations of all sizes. However, whereas until recently available solutions were too expensive and cumbersome for all but the largest enterprises, new technology advancements and an innovative approach have brought to the market a simple solution that can be used by all.
“When negotiating the sale of a startup company I worked for, we had to work very hard to create a comprehensive report of the open source components that we used and their licenses. This experience made me think that there must be a better way to do that” says Rami Sass, CEO of WhiteSource.
“When we were looking for a solution it became quite clear to us that the old way of managing open source components does not work anymore: scanning the software is way too complicated and only large enterprises can afford to do that. On the other hand, trying to manually keep track of the growing number of open source components that make at least 50% of an average commercial software product these days, is simply impossible.”
Rami and his partners, Ron Rymon and Azi Cohen, went ahead and founded WhiteSource. The target: develop an easy to use, simple solution that will be part of the development lifecycle and provide R&D executives with full open source management information – automated discovery of the components used, license resolution, compliance management, and alerts on security vulnerabilities, and their fixes.
“We understood that the people who are in charge of building software – R&D executives – need an easy and fast way to manage the open source components in their software.” says Rami. “We got great feedback from our customers who requested that we also analyze and explain the information that we offer on the open source components in their software and their licenses. They wanted a fast and simple look into the risks these components pose, so we added the risk report.”
In the report, R&D executives can see exactly what risks are associated with the open source components in their software: risks associated with restrictive licenses, security vulnerabilities and stale versions are all analyzed and presented in one easy to use panel.
Want to learn more about how your organization can practice safe open source?
Want to learn more about WhiteSource risk panel?
WhiteSource will be presenting a free webinar titled “Practice safe open source” on Wednesday, August 27th 9:30 a.m. PDT. For more information and to register please go to
About WhiteSource
WhiteSource provides an easy-to-use solution for managing the use of open source components in software development. WhiteSource continuously provides comprehensive and up-to-date open source inventory reports, license risk analysis and compliance reports and proactively alerts on security vulnerabilities whenever discovered, as well as available fixes. WhiteSource is easy to setup, requires no training, and completely removes the burden from developers. The service is affordable to companies of all sizes. For more information, visit: