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The Era of Automated SAST has Begun

The Era Of Automated SAST Has Begun
The Era Of Automated SAST Has Begun

For consecutive years, applications have remained the top attack vector for black hats, with supply chain attacks not far behind. 

At the same time, market research indicates that enterprise security managers and software developers continue to complain that their application security tools are cumbersome. When asked, many developers admit that they don’t run security tests as often as they should, and they push code to production even when they know it has security flaws.

It’s not hard to see why we’re reaching the outcome that we’re getting: 

Automated SAST

To turn this ship around, application security professionals must find ways to more efficiently reduce their software attack surface without burdening developers with time-consuming processes

One clear trend to boost efficiency is that of automation. Now that development speed is an overwhelming priority for modern development teams, security must be automated to effectively integrate into the modern Agile / DevOps environment. 

Crucially, automation must not only apply to vulnerability detection but also to remediation. 

While security tools such as software composition analysis (SCA) have offered automated remediation for a few years now, that capability has not been available in the world of static application security testing (SAST) — until now. 

Comprehensive AppSec

Our newly announced Mend Application Security Platform offers automated remediation for both open source and custom code, providing exact fixes for each line of code. Prior to this advancement, leading SAST products could, at best, provide training materials and examples to support developers with researching fixes for each security issue they encountered. This inefficient process forced developers to choose between security and meeting deadlines. The Mend.io platform delivers automated remediation for both SCA and SAST, offering developers a way out of their dilemma. It is the first platform in the world to automatically find and fix application security holes involving both open source and custom code. With Mend.io, developers don’t have to sacrifice security for speed. 

Take a look at some key features: 

Automated remediation. Mend SAST writes the exact code changes needed to fix code flaws. You can review the recommended code changes and approve or disapprove of them through a pull request.

Hybrid cloud solution. Ease of use and rapid deployment, along with the peace of mind that source code is not leaving your premises. 

Easy to use. Mend SAST takes just minutes to set up and to integrate with your existing developer workflow and CI/CD pipeline. Once setup, developers don’t need to separately configure or trigger the scan. It’s available at the right time, in the right place.

Fast scanning results. Mend SAST contains a breakthrough scanning engine that produces results up to 10 times faster than traditional SAST solutions. So your developers don’t have to wait.

Comprehensive language support. Mend SAST supports 27 different programming languages and various different programming frameworks. 

Bridge the culture gap. The efficiency and ease of use of Mend SAST will help your software developers learn to trust their software tools and collaborate more readily with members of your security team.

Unified developer platform. Mend SAST and Mend SCA both conveniently show security alerts within the developer’s native environment, such as their code repository.

Discover the Mend.io application security platform

Meet The Author

Adam Murray

Adam Murray is a content writer at Mend. He began his career in corporate communications and PR, in London and New York, before moving to Tel Aviv. He’s spent the last ten years working with tech companies like Amdocs, Gilat Satellite Systems, Allot Communications, and Sisense. He holds a Ph.D. in English Literature. When he’s not spending time with his wife and son, he’s preoccupied with his beloved football team, Tottenham Hotspur.

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