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Mend SCA for Azure DevOps

Mend SCA integrates conveniently with Azure repositories. Through this integration, Mend SCA provides vulnerability alerts and remediation suggestions directly in the Azure DevOps user interface.

Mend SCA for GitHub

Mend SCA, the world’s leading open source security product, now integrates conveniently with GitHub repositories. Through this integration, Mend SCA provides vulnerability alerts and remediation suggestions directly in the GitHub...

The Benefits of Application Scanning in the Repository

Security is always in high demand yet short supply. To shift security left, developers need tooling that scans and provides instant feedback in their native environments. Learn how scanning in the repository makes security invisible to developers and reduces friction between security and development teams.

Mend Infrastructure as Code

Mend Infrastructure as Code (IaC) helps organizations secure IaC templates and checks for security issues, compliance violations, and other misconfigurations so developers can fix misconfigurations as part of their normal workflow.