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The Main Appsec for 2021

It’s no secret that 2020 was a difficult year. The pandemic and as a result, the lockdowns and quarantines sent tens of millions of global workers home, and the remote work caused a dramatic increase in the number of ransomware, phishing attacks, and accidental breaches by employees working at home. Despite the increases in these...

Selecting Technology Solution To Comply With OpenChain ISO Standard

OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 is the International Standard for open source license compliance. Its relevance to modern software development is growing and it allows companies of all sizes and in all sectors to adopt the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program. The need to manage the software supply chain has never been more important given the ever-increasing dependence on third party...

Tackling Open Source Governance in the Enterprise

The growing scale of Open Source adoption requires organizations to invest in implementing the right tool sets and processes to govern an increasingly complex Open Source licensing landscape, as well as minimize the potential legal risks. The application of these policies and processes can be collectively referred to as an Open Source Governance framework. Investing...

PCI Software Security Framework: All You Need to Know

The goal of the PCI Software Security Framework is to provide developers of payment applications better security guidelines while providing the companies using payment applications with better tools to assess the security of the software they are using. In many ways, this framework is similar in intent to the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PCI...

Hitting Snooze on Alert Fatigue in Application Security

Medical devices, subway car doors, severe weather warnings, heavy machinery, car alarms, software security alerts. They all notify you to indicate that something is wrong so that you can take action to prevent harm. Hospital monitors can detect a wide range of issues, from an incorrect dose of medication to an irregular heartbeat and beyond....

How to Reduce Enterprise Application Security Risk

WhiteSource, in conjunction with Ponemon Institute, recently surveyed over 600 IT and IT security practitioners who are familiar with their organizations’ approach to securing applications – and here’s a spoiler: the highest level of security risk is considered by many organizations to be in the application layer. So what can Enterprise organizations do to reduce...

Renovating with Renovate

Renovate was originally created to scratch an internal itch, so we’ve been both enjoying its capabilities and testing them from day one. When people get started or get comfortable with using Renovate, it’s pretty understandable that they might look at the Renovate project itself as a reference user. We’ve put together this post to share how...

AWS Oil and Gas Roundtable

As part of their journey to Digital Transformation, Oil & Gas enterprises are shifting their focus on becoming agile through DevOps in order to provide efficiency and productivity. Because there is no single standard DevOps methodology, many companies are finding it challenging to manage security requirements, which contributes to a slow start, slow delivery, and...

ISIT Shifting Compliance & Security Left – Into the Hands of The Developers

The software world is alive with talk of shifting left – but what does it really mean? Theoretically, it means shifting responsibility for security & compliance to developers. In practice, it largely means enriching CI/CD processes to detect problematic licenses & vulnerabilities before they reach the main branch or production.  Shiri Arad Ivtsan, Director of Product Management at WhiteSource will discuss...

FOSSAware -Software Composition Analysis application as part of an effective Open Source compliance program

Encompassing over two-thirds of the average commercial software, open-source has become an essential part of modern software development. Undermanaging the consumption and redistribution of Open source expose the enterprise to extensive legal and security risks and is no longer a viable option. Having an effective Open Source compliance program is a key differentiator marking industry-leading...